Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to stop smoking.
Thesis Statement: The harmful effects smoking has on your body can be reversed if you stop smoking today.
I. “I’m more proud of quitting smoking than of anything else I’ve done in my life, including winning an Oscar “, Christine Lahti. “I stopped smoking. When I stopped smoking, my voice changed….so drastically, I couldn’t believe it myself”, Bob Dylan. “Smoking Kills, If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life”, Brook Shields. These are just a few quotes from famous people in regards to smoking, very powerful words from those who found benefit once they were able to quite.
II. Are you aware that approximately 440,000 …show more content…
This epidemic is something we can change and today I am going to discuss why smoking is problem by informing you on the areas of your body smoking affects and the effects it has on others, what chemicals are found in cigarettes, and how quitting can improve your health.
IV. I hope that once I am done you realize what the harmful effects of smoking have on you and those around you and by quitting these problems can be reversed or reduced greatly.
[Transition into body of speech]: Let’s start by discussing the harmful effects smoking has on your body.
II. …show more content…
Smoking not only effects you and your body but it also effects those around you. Per the CDC, 1 in 4 nonsmokers are exposed to second hand smoke and 2 in 5 children are exposed. And no matter how hard you try to disguise it, your clothes, hair and breath still smell of smoke. Second hand smoke is estimated to cause approximately 2,300 deaths due to SIDS, 3,000 deaths due to lung cancer, and 48,500 deaths due to heart disease in nonsmokers each year.
[Transition: Understanding why cigarettes wreak havoc on your body may help you understand the importance of stopping, let’s review those now.]
I. Back in the day cigarettes were rolled from the dried tobacco harvested from local fields. Now they are manufactured in huge factories where the process includes adding different additives to the tobacco. Per M. Myers, President of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, The evidence is sufficient to conclude that the increased risk of adenocarcinoma of the lung in smokers resulted from changes in the design and composition of cigarettes since the 1950s." and the FDA only in 2009 gained the authority to regulate what goes into