Persuasive Speech: The Importance Of Prayer In Public Schools

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Over the years, there has been a major conversational issue in the United States today about whether prayer should or should not be allowed in public schools. Prayer has already been banned in various numbers of public schools across the country. Many people have different religious views on this issue, but someone else’s religious view should not determine what someone else can do. The First Amendment states “freedom of religion”, so why can children not have this right in public school? There are plenty of different religions. They should all be able to pray if that is what they believe in and if that is what helps them get through their hard times. If prayer is not allowed in public school then why is there still “a moment of silence?” Public …show more content…
Public schools want children to “find themselves,” but how are children supposed to find themselves if they can not practice what they believe in? Prayer comes from within the student and they can find themselves expressing this with other peers. Students that show the same faith or even different faith, it can still bond the students together and makes them all feel comfortable. This can help the students express themselves to realize who they are and want they want in life. It can help them see how they view society and it shows solidarity. Public school administration wants students to feel safe at school, but what if the only way for students to feel safe is for them to pray? You can not just openly take away something that makes children feel safe. Many issues going on now in public school are the rising of shootings and drug and alcohol use. School prayer could help defeat these issues because it can help with the tolerance and make students realize you do not need to be a part of drug and/or alcohol use to be accepted or “popular.” It can also build their mortality to make the right decisions to they do not get peer pressured into the consumption of drug and/or alcohol use. Prayer brings people together in their time of

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