Non Verbal Bullying Speech

Superior Essays
Did you notice the boy walking down the hall today with sulking shoulders? His eyes piercing through the hallway floor, his head constantly dropped? Or what about that girl crying in the bathroom all by herself. Perhaps the overweight boy who is always by himself and the foreign girl who always wears long sleeves because she slit her wrists the night before? Did you notice them or did you walk past them like you do everyday? Those rare moments you do catch a glimpse at their faces, did you notice who those children were?
Sometimes in life, there are situations and problems that tend to spiral beyond our control. However, there are other situations and problems that we in fact- although it may not seem so at times- have maximum control over.
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Physical bullying includes kicking, shoving, poking, punching, fighting, pushing, and any sort of touching movement that brings shame and embarrassment to the victim. Verbal bullying includes name-calling, teasing, taunting, and insults. Emotional bullying includes abandonment, harsh criticism, belittling, labeling, name-calling, swearing, humiliation, demeaning jokes, teasing about one 's mental capabilities or physical appearance, and shunning individuals. Because victims may react differently, a bully you may feel obligated to perform either one of these methods or a mixture. Whichever proves to be the most effective, the bully will indefinitely use. Along with the normal routines of taunting and embarrassment, bullies may mix these methods to confuse and make their victims more vulnerable. Bullies will play around with their victim’s emotions to catch them off guard and to inflict more …show more content…
One form of bullying may also lead to another. For instance, the most commonly used form of bullying to begin with is verbal bullying. Verbal bullying strikes victims emotionally and if it is consistent long enough; it can turn into physical bullying.
Victims of bullying sometimes feel they have no way out, nobody to tell, nobody who will believe them, and may begin to suffer many of the same or similar symptoms that fuel rage in bullies. For instance, victims of physical, verbal, and emotional bullying will eventually suffer from low self-confidence, depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts, abnormal fears and worries, sleeping disorders, nervous habits, frequent crying, poor appetite which could lead to digestive problems, academic issues such as grades dropping or failure, and tantrums that consist of rage and anger due to buildup. Victims will eventually begin to lack self-confidence and self-esteem, and over time, depending on how they react in the bully’s eyes, one thing will simply lead to another. If victims do not say or do anything to or about the bully, they will continue doing and or saying things that will become a frequent and noticeable pattern. Victims mostly suffer from depression, sleeping disorders, poor appetite, academic issues, and suicidal thoughts and

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