Why Students Should Start Later Research Paper

Improved Essays
Some people may think that waking up later would not make a difference when it comes to someone 's academics. That is false. Experts have found improvements in attendance, enrollment rates, and more alert students. The adolescents actually gained five hours of sleep every night when they started school later (Esherick 71). Students have reported feeling better over all. Just the extra half hour has lead to teenagers going to bed sooner. Since the teens had an less difficulty focusing, it took them less time to complete their homework. This gives them more time to relax and sleep (Park 2). Without the time change, students make simple mistakes on their homework and get lower grades on tests because they are sleep deprived. It was reported in 1998 that adolescents that earned C’s, D’s, and F’s on their homework went to bed around 40 minutes after A and B students. They received about 25 minutes of sleep each night (Esherick 71). Students that get more sleep clearly have an advantage over the students that are sleep deprived. They are also mentally stronger. Students need to be mentally strong enough to make it through high school. …show more content…
Obtaining good grades while participating in extracurricular activities keeps a person very busy. Teens have to find time for sport practices, homework, and family time. Some teenagers may have jobs as well. This does not leave much time for sleep! Sleep always seems to get left out of our schedules. We need sleep to fight off disease, stabilize our emotional health, our physical health, and mental health (Esherick 44). When a Minneapolis School changed their start time from 7:15 TO 8:45, Dr. Kyla studied the results. She found a lower amount of depressed students (Esherick 68). Some people believe that when you get tired is determined mentally. Emmanuel Mignot is a sleep expert from Stanford University. Mingot has a theory that a mutation on chromosome four helps determine if someone is a morning person or not. If a student is not a morning-type, they may not be as awake. This may lead them to have trouble remembering new information (Impact of School Start Time on Student Learning 6). Students may also act better. A person may feel grumpy, non motivated, and emotional when the person does not get enough sleep. The amount of sleep a person gets determines the number of neurotransmitters their brain produces. Neurotransmitters are a large part of what helps regulates your emotions. They are what makes a perSon feel stressed, aggressive, or depressed when the person does not receive enough sleep (Esherick 13). Not getting enough sleep can make it seem like a person has ADHD. The person may have trouble concentrating. They may also have trouble multitasking or focusing on more than one thing at a time (“The Impact of School Start Time on Adolescent Health and Academic Performance” 5). Experts suggest that teenagers should get eight to ten hours of sleep although most do not. This leads to 15% of students admitting to sleeping during class (Esherick 16). The amount of sleep a person gets does affect the way someone behaves. Not only do people sleep in class, but they feel less motivated throughout the day (Impact on School Start Time on Student Learning 8). With the earlier start time, teenagers are actually encouraged to go to bed sooner. A lot of health care workers and parents may think that they would go to bed later but that is not the case. Along with behaving better and feeling more emotionally stable, a person physically benefits from sleep. If someone does not get enough sleep, they may be more likely to make decisions that could physically harm them. The person may be lead to get in a physical fight. They could also stop eating correctly or stop getting enough exercise. This could damage their physical health. When a teenager is tired, they are more than likely not going to want to go for a run or go to the gym. Parents worry about their teenage children drinking and doing drugs. If teens got more sleep, they could potentially make the better decision to stay away from the illegal substances (Impact of School Start Time on

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