The over obsessiveness grows in the impressionable until it has become too much to handle and starts to spiral out of control. A lot of damage can be done to the disordered through this way of life. Thus, Veganism is a strict way of living; therefore, it should not be recommended to recovering eating disorder patients. Addictions will continue to thrive, or even lead to the next debilitating obsession.
Eating disorders and the lifestyle of veganism is associated through the overall dietary restraint. In a 2011 study Some we Love, Some we Hate, Some we Eat: Why it’s so Hard to Think Straight about Animals, Hal Herzog quotes a former vegetarian anorectic called Staci who notes that as a youth, “being a vegetarian was a way for me to have more control over my body by taking the fat out of my diet,” and she notes as well that vegetarianism