The possibility of large companies having an undue influence on our children’s education is very real in a charter school environment. Vouchers also face the issue of legality because private schools are allowed to deny students if they choose, as well as so many being based in religion. These school choice programs are not the solution to the issues facing America’s public education. Many people wish to blame funding for the problems facing our schools. But take into account that many of the highest funded schools are the poorest performing. The solution to our public education problem is to give teachers the ability to remove problem students from the classroom so they can effectively teach those students who do wish to learn. On top of giving teachers more power to control their class, students and parents of students who interfere with the education of their peers must be held
The possibility of large companies having an undue influence on our children’s education is very real in a charter school environment. Vouchers also face the issue of legality because private schools are allowed to deny students if they choose, as well as so many being based in religion. These school choice programs are not the solution to the issues facing America’s public education. Many people wish to blame funding for the problems facing our schools. But take into account that many of the highest funded schools are the poorest performing. The solution to our public education problem is to give teachers the ability to remove problem students from the classroom so they can effectively teach those students who do wish to learn. On top of giving teachers more power to control their class, students and parents of students who interfere with the education of their peers must be held