Exemplification Essay: The Road To Recovery

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Loneliness, self-pity, difficult emotions-these are excellent reasons for an addict to smoke dope in the first place. Now these reasons do not even matter anymore. The circumstances that got you started on your addiction no longer exist. You just keep doing what you are doing because you cannot stop. Life has gone on without you being present. When you are struggling with addiction, the thought of getting sober seems like an unachievable objective. Just remember recovery from addiction is possible, no matter how hopeless your situation may seem. Change is totally possible with the proper treatment and support, and by dealing with the core issues of your addiction. Even if you have tried to get sober before and failed, do not give up. The road to recovery will always involve difficulties and setbacks. Though by admitting and acknowledging the problem and having the willingness to change, you are already on …show more content…
Do not go at it alone, having a solid support system is necessary. The more positive people you have in your life, the greater your chances for recovery. Recovering from drug addiction is not easy, but having people you can go to for encouragement, help, and someone to listen, makes recovery a lot easier. Having the support of family and friends is an important factor in recovery. If you are hesitant to reach out to your loved ones because you have disappointed them before, consider talking to your treatment consoler about your concern. Build yourself a sober network with your peers in treatment. Being that your previous social circle revolved around drugs, you need to make new friends. It is important that you attend Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Spending time with people who understand the struggle you are going through can be helpful in early recovery. You can also gain a lot from the shared experience of the members of the group and learn what they have done to remain

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