Paparazzi are always invading celebrity’s lives. Whether they are at a restaurant, shopping, or just on family vacation pictures of them are going to be surfacing the web. Many of the reality stars lives aren’t as private as they used to be before the show. Tori Spelling wasn’t in movies she also had her own reality TV shows, she would have to be very private when she was pregnant, in her book Spelling It Like It Is she explains how she had to hide her stomach when she was pregnant “The paparazzi would see me and be amazed at how trim I was and I’d buy myself another month in hiding.” (26) Tori Spelling explain how she had to hide her figure from the paparazzi in order to keep her pregnancy private. These reality stars couldn’t go out without being taunted or judged by the paparazzi that were taking their pictures. The pictures would end up on magazines most of them don’t even tell the truth sometimes they make things up so the magazines sells. Many of the reality stars privacy is invaded even after the shows are canceled paparazzi keep invading their lives. Even when celebrities are dealing with a serious issue their privacy is being invaded. Not all reality stars want their lives to be public for the entire world to see. When a celebrity is going through a tough time in their lives they don’t want it to be published on magazines. Their children are sometimes photographed without their …show more content…
There are television shows in where people are arguing, fighting, and screaming. Of course those shows aren’t meant to target teenagers or children, but nobody could stop them from watching. One show that might be targeted at teenagers would be MTV’s Teen Moms. The producers might want to let the teenagers know that it is difficult raising a child at a young age, but there are still arguments and fights with the parents of the children. Those aren’t healthy relationships that the network is showing, but they don’t care because the only thing that matters is viewers. Teenagers don’t always understand that those relationships aren’t healthy for couples. Other shows that show drama and influence the viewer is Bravos The Real Housewives there are so many shows like this one all over the United States. Many of the Housewives are always parting, throwing drinks at each other, and of course arguing. Every group of friends ends up in a an argument once in a while, but what they are showing on these shows are constant arguing and fights between these grown rich women. Not only are they showing how mean they could be, but also that they could do anything because they are rich women living in America. The article by Holly Peek named The Impact of Reality TV On Our Teens: What Can Parents Do?” Massachusetts General Hospital Clay Center website it talks about how these women are constantly arguing “Throughout