Persuasive Essay On Pedophiles

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According to the American Psychology Association, pedophilia is a mental disorder that attracts strong sexual interests towards underage children. Pedophiles gained this disorder from their brain anatomy, which resulted in the stimuli induce sexual responses towards children (Dreger). These people refuse to receive any support from therapists or psychologists because of the job requirements to report the incident to the police. It is not mandatory for them to refuse the treatment, but mainly it is because they do not trust anyone. This creates a bigger problem as pedophiles are roaming around the world like dogs without leashes. Pedophiles are similar to criminals who committed a crime. Therefore, the government should regulate pedophile activities because their actions lead to immoral underage sexual assault, inflicts trauma upon children at early childhood, and a poor relationship between an inexperienced, minor child …show more content…
By doing so, it would help preserve children from doing any unnecessary things that would hurt the one around them and, most importantly, themselves. The government realized pedophiles are no different than sexual offenders who are in prison serving time for charges like rape. Almost everything follows under the natural law of moral principles and human nature. Sexual repression needs to be suppressed to keep a safe environment. There are many crimes committed every day as it could be from a robbery, murder, illegal trade, etc. Child molestation falls into one of the category of criminal acts as it targets a pre-pubescent child with the intent of sexual stimulation (Early Diagnosis). The government needs to understand that all offenders broke a law that doesn’t correspond to human nature and they should be condemned for their actions. In a sense, a mature adult inflicting sexual stimulation on a young child concludes that it defines

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