Persuasive Essay On Back Alley Abortion

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About 51% of pregnancies in the USA are unplanned, 21% of these result in an abortion.
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Abortion gives people the right to choose whether or not if they are prepared to have a child. Women deserve the rights to choose what to do with their body and what's inside of it. It is clear that the elimination of legal abortions will result in back alley abortions as well as put many more children into the foster care and adoption system.

Women have a moral right to choose what to do to their own bodies. The right to have an Abortion should be part of pregnancy rights that enable women, to choose whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. 2% of abortions are requested due to sexual abuse forced upon the fertile women. 1% of these abortions are from children and 7.98% of these interactions from children result in the child becoming pregnant. You may argue that conception is conception but that is not the truth. If someone is physically harmed and pregnancy is the result. Then having that baby would serve as a reminder of the sexual abuse that the mother faced. There may also be medical problems which would significantly limit the quality of life for the baby that
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This can cause serious harm to the mother, such as being unable to get fertile again. Depending on where the client is going to get the treatment it will most likely not be a very sterile place. Whether it is or not because the abortion is illegal the doctor will not have the correct equipment or medicine for the job. If they find a way to get the drugs for the women they will be very poorly made because of the lack of legalization. the illegal operation will also be very expensive to be able to go through with, so people who are desperate for this surgery will put everything on the line just for the

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