87% of students that were surveyed at Yale claimed that they support hate speech being a part of the First Amendment (McGough). They state that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether it offends someone or not. If the government decides to make hate speech a crime, many will not agree with it and will create chaos because they will think it isn’t fair to be fined and/or arrested for something they said that could’ve been taken the wrong way. At the same time, there are many who take advantage of the situation that since they’re in America, they can say, yell, type anything they want whether or not anyone is offended by the situation. Some people may argue that hate speech should be completely banned because it creates violence and fear. Although hate speech can lead to hate crimes, it isn’t necessary to ban hate speech all at once. If it was banned, then our First Amendment would be taken away and our rights would be violated as a whole. “...government should have the authority to stop people from saying things that offend minorities.” (Richardson). According to Richardson, about 40% of millennials agree that hate speech towards the minority should be banned. …show more content…
After finding a Latino homeless man on the streets, two brothers had gone up to him and beat him up later telling the police officers that Donald Trump was correct and that illegal immigrants should be deported (Greenblatt). After Trump gives his speeches about hispanics, muslims, etc… people who tend to agree with him on the situation turn it to violence. He tends to provoke his followers into hurting the people he hates even more by claiming that they are the problem of America and that they shouldn’t be here. His words are affecting people both mentally and physically. Kids are afraid of being deported and families are afraid of being torn apart. A lot of them are afraid of losing their dreams of becoming wealthy. Just like the black man who was beaten up at one of his rallies started chanting that the lives of black people matter. Regulations on hate speech should be placed so that people like Donald Trump can’t provoke his followers into hurting someone because of their beliefs and their opinions. “The US allows people to advocate violence, murder, terrorism, and genocide – even against minorities – all in the name of ‘freedom.’” (Cohen). Since America is known for being one of the only ones in the world where their citizens are allowed to express themselves in any way, shape, or form that they want it has made it difficult to put laws against certain things. If hate speech