And as the pigs rose in power, there was less and less the common animals could do. When Squealer insisted it was Napoleon, not Snowball, who wanted to build a windmill, the animals had no choice but to do or say nothing. The “truth” that Squealer manufactured was the truth the animals must accept. If he said that Napoleon was using tactics, Napoleon was using tactics. “The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions” (Orwell 58). Orwell gives us as readers a series of events that clearly show how the silence of the majority leads to the power of the few. The first time the animals pretended that they didn’t notice something wrong, it was seemingly harmless. They didn’t have any milk before the revolution anyway. But as the pigs got smarter, and it became easier for the animals to turn a blind eye, something changed. Up until this point, the animals had at least some option to speak up. Now, though, that time was over. There were no more
And as the pigs rose in power, there was less and less the common animals could do. When Squealer insisted it was Napoleon, not Snowball, who wanted to build a windmill, the animals had no choice but to do or say nothing. The “truth” that Squealer manufactured was the truth the animals must accept. If he said that Napoleon was using tactics, Napoleon was using tactics. “The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions” (Orwell 58). Orwell gives us as readers a series of events that clearly show how the silence of the majority leads to the power of the few. The first time the animals pretended that they didn’t notice something wrong, it was seemingly harmless. They didn’t have any milk before the revolution anyway. But as the pigs got smarter, and it became easier for the animals to turn a blind eye, something changed. Up until this point, the animals had at least some option to speak up. Now, though, that time was over. There were no more