College Admissions Essay: A Career As A Teacher

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Think back to when you were a child. Some children dream about being a superhero or a fire fighter. I may have said that, but; more often than not said “When I grow up I wanna be a teacher!” If you have known me for any length of time, chances are you 've heard me say this! Many, like Aunt Sandy, have told me that 's what I was born to do! Ever since I can remember I 've wanted to be a teacher. Sure, I 've had other aspirations along the way; (writer, veterinarian, physiologist, anything at Disney World, chef, the list goes on!) but, the one that truly stuck was teacher! I 'm sure this dream started in 1st grade and was heightened in 4th. My favorite teacher was Ms. Brown. She was fun, funny and I learned a lot! I remember she made everything fun! I looked forward to come to school every day, these two years. I wish I could say this about every teacher but for every great one there is usually a bad one. In middle school I had one teacher who was terrible. I hated to see lunch end; because, I went to her class afterwards! To this day, I 'm convinced she rode a broom! I often looked for it outside! This May have hindered some people from wanting to pursue a career; but, this made me want to be a …show more content…
I learned a lot! Did I love it every second? No! Some children are very challenging; however, the challenges are a learning experience! I made several mistakes. Finally, towards the last few weeks, I feel like I 'm not completely lost. I 'm starting to understand how to effectively instruct and how to be strict! (This is my weakest teacher attribute!) A few students in the past three weeks have said “Woah, Mr. Rader, you 're getting strict in your old age!” Am I there yet? No! Most teachers tell me it took about 2 ½ years to feel like they had a grip on things! Apparently, I still have 1 ½ years left just to get the grip! (Great!) Learning is a process and I believe you aren 't finished until you take your final

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