Kinyata Barnett
Walden University
Prior to this course I only knew basic information regarding marketing. I now know that there are many aspects involved with the marketing process. In order to build a success organization, one must chose the correct marketing tools that would benefit their company. I have learned that every method does not work for all. All the discussions and assignments have improved my understanding of marketing competitiveness within many organizations I am familiar with. I have gained a great understanding of the different marketing mixes and strategies that organizations use. The contents and assignments have shaped my goals in many ways. Every topic …show more content…
My vision is to be able to mentor and help youth that are less fortunate. Being able to open a youth center aimed at helping those in need of many resources such as educational and everyday social skills would be beneficial to the community. This is important to me because there are many people that are not informed or have resources to better themselves.
At least two objectives for the goal you have identified. Provide a rationale that explains how your objectives support the goal. Then, develop your action plan/goal to relate to your personal brand.
One of the objectives for my identified goal is to complete my Master’s Degree in Business Management. As I continue my journey with my studies I seem to find many new topics that I was not aware of. In my previous studies, I felt that I had a good idea of what a business and their structures entail. I soon found out there was many things I have yet to learn. Once my degree is obtained there will be many steps I will need to take to achieve my goal.
In what ways or to what extent do you think your personal brand will allow others to see you as an agent for positive change within your organization, your community, or more …show more content…
Born to a mother at the age of fifteen years old, life was most a struggle. Despite the negativity, I managed to attend the University of Illinois and graduate with a Bachelor of Science. Though this might seem minor to some but it meant the world to me. As I walked across the stage I became the first person in my family to graduate college. I looked back and realized that anything is possible. Being raised by a young mother, raised in a very violent area in Chicago without many resources, I managed to defeat the odds. For this reason, I will continue to strive and work hard to achieve my goals. My testimony will help others in similar situations and help them to defeat the odds as