Prewriting processes and techniques such as brainstorming and outlining make essay planning and writing easier. For example, when I had to choose an event in which I learned a valuable life lesson for my narrative essay, I wrote …show more content…
For example, the prompt for Journal #3 in Week 4 highlighted the importance of “exploratory thinking” when considering a topic and developing a thesis. Accordingly, I chose hydraulic fracturing, a controversial process for extracting natural gas and oil from shale rocks. Discussing the reasons behind my choice, I wrote, “I have selected hydraulic fracturing as my persuasive essay topic, because it gives me the opportunity to learn more about the economic, national security, and environmental issues surrounding this important, but controversial, natural gas and oil extraction technology.” I then used the SNHU Shapiro Library, Opposing Viewpoints Database, to familiarize myself with the issues for and against hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, as it’s commonly known. I then applied my initial findings to search other library databases to find additional scholarly and peer reviewed articles on the subject. My research allowed me to form the opinion that fracking is generally good for society because, as stated in my thesis, it supports America’s goal of energy independence, reduces greenhouse-gas emissions, improves the economy and national security, and buys time to develop viable alternative energy sources. My findings taught me that academic research is a critically important element of the writing process, which in this case …show more content…
I have learned that following a systematic approach involving prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing, invariably results in a high-quality paper with an informative introduction, an unambiguous thesis, relevant supporting points with credible sources, counter arguments if appropriate, and a well-rounded conclusion that summarizes and reiterates the main point of the essay. Class materials, learning resources, exercises, discussions and instructor feedback have consistently reinforced the value of the writing process. Applying the lessons learned in this course will not only improve my writing skills and confidence, but also enhance my comprehension of study subjects, and make my writing more readable, clear, and