You did not notify me of that deadline, but failed me for an assignment I turned in the day I thought it was due. You told me not to document my sources but still subtracted ten points from my grade. You never informed me about any of the rubrics before constructing one and rashly grading me by it. You cheated; you did not give me the same opportunities as everyone else. You left me in the dust to fend for myself like a pup thrown out of the litter when young. You disadvantaged me, tied my legs together and told me to run faster and faster to keep up when you knew it was hopeless and the inevitable would occur. You cheated. Therefore, no you didn’t conquer me and even now as I continue to run as everyone has crossed the line you still have not beat me because now I have got you. I have realized that you my enemy Mr. English class is essentially my frenemy. You have no power and could not survive independent of me. I give you everything you have; it is I who allow you to control distress me and who allows you to gain access to my
You did not notify me of that deadline, but failed me for an assignment I turned in the day I thought it was due. You told me not to document my sources but still subtracted ten points from my grade. You never informed me about any of the rubrics before constructing one and rashly grading me by it. You cheated; you did not give me the same opportunities as everyone else. You left me in the dust to fend for myself like a pup thrown out of the litter when young. You disadvantaged me, tied my legs together and told me to run faster and faster to keep up when you knew it was hopeless and the inevitable would occur. You cheated. Therefore, no you didn’t conquer me and even now as I continue to run as everyone has crossed the line you still have not beat me because now I have got you. I have realized that you my enemy Mr. English class is essentially my frenemy. You have no power and could not survive independent of me. I give you everything you have; it is I who allow you to control distress me and who allows you to gain access to my