The wart was on the bottom of my foot. It was under the big toe on my left foot. At first it was a pencil tip sized, darker skin colored mound on my toe. It didn’t hurt when I walked on it or if I touched it. When it first grew I didn’t know it was a wart I just thought it was a random spot on my foot. Over a couple weeks it got bigger. It got to the size of about an eraser on a pencil. I was laying on the couch and my mom noticed it on my toe. So the next day we went to the doctors to check it out. We learned that I had a wart on my toe. The doctor wanted to schedule an appointment soon because it was a wart that had been growing for a while. So we scheduled it that weekend. The first visit was just to fully check on the wart and see how it has grown. We were in the doctor’s office for a half an hour for him just to check my feet to make sure that was the only wart and how much it had grown in. The next time …show more content…
So when we got to the doctor’s I knew what it was going to feel. I didn’t at the time realize that it was going to be much, much harder to walk because it was in the middle of my foot instead of on my toe. So once he finished I stepped off the table like usual but when I put my foot down I figured out then how much worse walking was going to be. I would barely put weight on my right foot then hop on to my left foot. I had a limp walking around for the rest of the day. Once I got home I just laid in my bed and watched TV for the rest of the