Have you ever imagined how life would be if you succeed all your challenges and went from sticking to your guts instead of the demons in our head.I do all the time. It's okay to be afraid we're all human.
By the way I'm Salma Tovar an average teenage girl. I attend to do great things in life, we all do. I thank my family for believing in me and showing me how to be tough. High school so far has been an up and down journey. Obstacles in my life were pretty heavy. Back in 6th grade my father had got shot 6 times…thankfully he survived. Ever since then I appreciate life every day and thank god for a new day.
I was inspired by Robin Williams. A good man who would show happiness instead of sorrow. When all things come to a downfall, he would show another perspective of life. To never let your guard down,always have it up. If you don't know who he is you're missing out! …show more content…
My extra particularly activities were dance class, cross country, track and soccer. Cross country made me stay fit and healthy,So did dance class.Before soccer I was in XC, and at first yes, I was a bit dramatic about running miles, but it turned out to be my favorites thing in the world, running. Freshman year I got injured at soccer practice, tore my IT-band. I was out for 6 months and got back, but instead I joined the JV dance team. Experiencing the dance life was one of my favorite of all time. Dancing in the auditorium stage hearing the applause and my parents yelling my name was a dream come true. Unfortunately that dream did not last long.Why? I got a job after my sophomore year. It pretty much ended things for