My sophomore season of track I started out running the same races I ran the previous year, the 200m, 400m, 4x200m, and the 4x400m. My coaches wanted to get me running in longer races because they thought that since my dad was a great distance runner that I would be too. I had absolutely no desire to run more than one lap around …show more content…
As my teammate came down the home stretch about to hand off the baton to me, I became completely filled with terror. I had no idea how to pace myself nor did I want to cause my team to lose the 2nd place lead we had. As the baton touched my hand I instantly felt the adrenaline rush and took off faster than I should have. After the first lap, I did not know if I was going to be able to make it around for the second lap because I was completely drained, my legs felt like jello, and my vision started to get hazy. I came upon the home stretch and knew I was so close to being done so I gave it all I had. I handed off the baton to my teammate and was able to make it off the track before I fell down in pain, unable to feel my legs. I came out on top with the fastest time for that race on my team and I had barely trained for it. They then continued to train me for the 800m as well as my other races I competed in. Later in the year, the most important time of track season, I got an unbearable ache in the left side of my left leg and had to take about a week off of training and do physical therapy instead. When I came back the pain was still there but it