By it I mean the event that changed my life… My stroke. The day that it happened on was very emotional. I woke up in the morning and got attached to my machine. I didn't eat anything thing but I had to drink water like crazy. I accidently peed on the couch. I got up looked in the mirror and cried because I felt like useless unwanted freak. The infection damaged my left eye and i had to wear an eye patch. After a little while my grandma asked me what I wanted for lunch and i went to answer I screamed. It was all I could do. It was one of the most painful things I had felt. Then I just cried more. Then my mom called like she knew something wasn't right. Her voice was the best sound before the worst pain. This is how our conversation went: “ Hi Buggy! How are you?” My mom asked. “ Okay,” I answered. Then she asked where the dogs were and I answered in one word that was outside. Then she asked me a few more questions but I could only answer in one word. Then apparently she told my grandma to take me to Children’s. My aunt opened the garage door and i went to walk out and my legs gave out. I remember getting carried out to my aunt's car then my life flashed before my eyes then black.
The next day I woke up not being able to talk. I couldn’t move either. It was the most infuriating thing I had experience. I was trying to ask what was going on but I just couldn’t. It was like being in a coma