As a college student, I have will experience many new experiences that I have never encountered before in my life. From the day we first set foot into college, we being our transition from adolescence to adults. College requires students to become more independent and responsible in our decisions and actions. Each student is responsible for their own education and no longer have their parents to rely on and hold their hand. This type of freedom could be seen as a good or bad thing depending on the choices a person makes.…
I never was the most confident person when it came to competing. I always felt discouraged because I “knew” there would be people better than me. Towards the end of my junior year in high school a special program was announced to the students. “Doc Prep” was a weeklong trip to Baylor College of Medicine that gave ten students the opportunity to witness heart surgeries, practice suturing, handle human brains, and meet many interesting people. Who wouldn’t want to be part of this enriching experience?…
It was my first day of training. UCSD Medical Center (or whatever the name is). First stop: Emergency Room. As I walked inside I saw doctors and nurses bustling about. To my left a resident was stitching up a bicyclist who had been in an accident.…
High school changes people. They express themselves, become opinionated, and they start to look at the world differently as they experience things they have never encountered before. A wise Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.” This quote is an excellent way to describe my experience in high school.…
They call them “Tap-taps,” the brightly painted open back trucks that transport passengers through the dusty streets of Haiti. A traveler taps the side of the vehicle to board, pays, rides and then taps to jump off at a desired destination. For one particular man who sat with his face covered by a towel, that destination was the Diegue clinic in Port-au-Prince. All I knew from intake was that this patient was here for a foot issue. I noticed the adult sitting uncomfortably, a towel wrapping his foot, as his eyes scanned around the room.…
Most little girls dream of being a ballerina when they grow up, I was the little girl who dreamed of medical school. Anyone who was brave enough to ask got my vehement no when asked if I thought that the college, subsequent medical school, and training would be too much school or that I would get bored. I decided very early that to be a doctor was one of the most exciting things that a person could chose to be and my fantastic pediatrician was the initial spark for this love of medicine. The care that I could see him exhibit in his daily operations as well as the ease at which he interacted with patients and parents alike inspired me. His knowledge was fascinating and I longed to have that level of understanding of the human body.…
My graduate experience will be light years different then my undergraduate training. I chuckle just contemplating the technological difference alone. Back when I attended undergraduate school there wasn’t the internet, the LoudCloud, e-books, or personal laptop computers. We thought we were “hot stuff” because we progressed from the slide ruler to a state of the art Texas Interment graphing calculator. By the way google informed me that my particular calculator at that time was the first of its kind.…
For my assignment, I got to interview Dr. Rolf D. Morstead, MD, FAAPMR on February 17, 2018. He obtained his degree at Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and is in practice for more than twenty years. He is board certified in both Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. Dr. Morstead currently works as an independent practitioner for eighteen years in Monroe, LA. He is also affiliated with St. Francis Medical Center and Glenwood Regional Medical Center.…
My clinical experience so far has been quite interesting, because I learned basic clinical procedures and preventions that I know will benefit me as a nurse in the near future. During lab, we discussed infection control, personal hygiene, and isolation precautions. These procedures impact my personal health and wellness, because I need to ensure that I am using the proper techniques in order to keep me safe. Also, I know that it is important to make sure my patients are not at risk of developing hospital associated infections.…
My ride along was having trouble with learning how to take a blood pressure. I was determined for her to leave this station with mastery of the skill. After ten tries and a numb arm later, she was finally getting it. Later that day, we got a medical call and took the patient’s blood pressure. “140/90!…
This year I am currently going to Pierce County Skills Center, it gives me the opportunity to get my feet into the medical field. Ever since I was a little kid I knew that I was going to go into the medical field. The class that I am in is called medical careers, in that class you learn a lot about the medical field such medical terminology, skills, how to talk to patients and much more. On April 17 I had followed a registered nurse and a CNA around a retirement home. She had showed me her ways of doing things.…
Lastly, there was one patient who I had noticed since the beginning of my clinical rotation. He was often wondering around the unit or sitting in his room. However, one morning, I noticed him sitting in the dining room by himself and decided to approach him. I introduced myself and asked him if he would like to play cards. He immideitly declined my offer saying something along the lines of “no thanks.”…
After suffering a very painful injury in high school from competitive swimming due to overtraining and improper body mechanics, my need to return to the sport gave me a life altering exposure to the impact of healthcare and wellness. To regain my strength and ability to swim I went through several months of physical therapy. My time working with the physical therapist made me realize that if I had only known more about my body and how it works than I most likely could have prevent the majority of the pain and suffering I had overcame. This experience also got me thinking there are probably more people like myself that have gone through injuries or illnesses that could have been preventable. As I started to consider college and future careers,…
I have known from a young age that I wanted to do something exceptional in my life. Something about helping others drew me in, so I knew a career in the medical field would be my best fit. It was not until a traumatic day in my life occurred that made me realize I was bound to be a nurse. I have played volleyball for five year, my senior year was not an exception. Volleyball was the only sport I played and my passion.…
Although I may encounter many challenges throughout the pursuit of my master's degree, I have prepared myself for this journey. The biggest challenge for me will be transitioning myself back into the classroom after going directly into the workforce. It has been a relief not having to stay up for countless hours studying and writing papers for class. Some of the other challenges that I may have, but will not effective my determination will be my work schedule and taking care of my child. I believe that my positive attitude and good habits I have practice over the years will have great effect to succeed with this online program.…