“How much are you over?” Brody asked steadily
“Over by a pound” I responded sighing Throughout …show more content…
I sat down with my doughnut, cinnamon roll, and orange juice in the middle of the cafeteria.
“Really? That’s what you’re eating?” my brother said with a grin and chuckle.
“Yep.” I said back while devouring my food. About 45 min to an hour later I wrestled my Semi-final match, I won by pin in 14 seconds. The next kid I was going to wrestle in the finals was not a bad wrestler but I should not have a problem with him. While warming up I saw my opponent, he was tall with brown hair and very skinny. After the match before mine ended I walked up to the table and told the worker who I was.
“You’re red,” the lady said pointing to me
“You’re green,” she said pointing to my opponent. I heard the whistle blow and I wrestled as hard as I could. I took him down first then turned him. At the end of the first period it was 7-0 in my favor. I looked at my coach and he said “The tilts there.” My opponent chose down and right off the whistle I arm chopped and rolled him through with a tilt. I ended up pinning him and placing 1st at …show more content…
I took him down first but it wasn’t easy. Toward the end of the match I took him down again and the final score was 4-0. Unfortunately I was the only one on my dual team who had won. It wasn’t the best way for our team to start the day but we could bounce back. The next team we wrestled was Nebraska Red, which was the best team from Nebraska. I lost 3-2 and chipped a tooth, I wasn’t happy with the outcome but I wrestled well. We transferred to another area where we dualed Minnesota Lightning, the 2nd best team from Minnesota, and I lost again. The kid I wrestled was as strong as a bull and looked like a grown man. At the end of the day I finished 2-3, I lost to some of the best kids in the nation by a close match, I was disappointed in myself because I hadn’t won as much as I wanted. My team finished 21st out of 36 teams. We hadn’t finished what I had hoped we had. I didn’t regret going to that National Dual because it was a lot of fun and gave me a huge challenge against out of state