I plan on getting my boating license when I’m 16. We went what they call “coving” which is where you go to a place on the lake, that is safe of course, and swim all day long. We did that three times. We went to the same spot each time, which was kind of nice considering the area was familiar and you're not introduced to an unfamiliar area all the time. SPLASH was the usual sound of us jumping off the boat or doing tricks off of the water mat all day. My aunt and uncle also have a water mat and a paddle board, or as I see it, take-turns-and-go-away-so-you-don’t-fight-with-each-other paddle board. Both are so much fun. But I think the water mat is my favorite. I get to do back handsprings, back tucks, aerials, front flips, and handstands off of it. My brother and I also wrestle on the mat. The wrestling matches usually, but not all the time, took ages, but in the end, …show more content…
On the day it was raining so hard it sounded like elephants were falling from the sky, we went shopping. It was fun to shop as a family, but we did split up a few times, though. A lot of the clothes were for school because of the new dress code. Walking into stores is like having a new start, you never quite knew what it’s going to be like. Jubilation shoots throughout your entire body, and that’s when you know when you are in a store you like. When looking at the clothes, you start to smile, and that is how you know you're at the right store. You start fast-walking throughout the entire store. You start to think to yourself, “That's cute,” “Oh! I like that,” or “I HAVE TO GET THIS!” You know what clothes you are going to get right when you pick it up. When you try it on, it’s like a breath of fresh air. You know that it’s made for you. Even though it was a lot of money, I loved everything single thing I got. You know, you never realize how fun your family can be sometimes. I think that going shopping, eating pizza, and then swimming later that evening brought us closer than ever. This summer was also HUGE for Pokemon Go. One of the workers at Aeropostale told us that Pikachu was in the parking lot of that mall, but sadly, we did not catch