Personal Narrative: How The Grinch Stole Christmas

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Christmas was Amber’s favorite holiday. She loved everything about it, the movies, family time, eating food and Christmas desserts, opening presents,everything. My Mom would always invite all the family over to their home. Cousins, uncles, aunts, even friends that she was close with. She just loved to see her house full of smiles after my Father had passed. I was a totally different person, yes I love Christmas but having so many people over was just a little overwhelming. I would rather watch the How the Grinch Stole Christmas and eat cookies and drink eggnog. My mom had 1 brother and 2 sister, she was the youngest and since her were older than her she would always stay close to her brother. Which is funny because I meant he before I really meet my aunts. Uncle John he was 39, never married, never …show more content…
My Uncle John was sitting in the kitchen at the bar with the stove light on. Something about the whole situation seemed abnormal.”Why you up so late” he said, in a kind voice. ‘Oh, I was just going to get something to drink, but it fine.” “No, have a seat”. I have never been so afraid whenever i was around Uncle John my mom was always around now it was just me and him. “Well i'm going to go back upstairs” he said, “Okay, goodnight.”. All I remember was feeling this sharp unpleasant feeling in my back, when I felt that I went back to when I lost my Father. The pain I felt the misery I saw in my Mothers eyes. Then I had to come back to reality. He just keep repeating “You did this,You did this.” I didn’t understand, “I did what”, “You came in between us, we were so close now it all about you.” Then I realized he was talking about my mother. He tried to stab me again, but I knew i was going to fight. We started to wrestling on the floor, I grabbed a vase that my Mom kept near the fireplace. I hit him over the head and he was

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