It was hard for me and my brothers because we loved our neighborhood so much and our friends and our school in Virginia. My last day was a day when we played soccer in the rain.
Restarting back in DC, entering in the seventh grade, the environment and school system was very different from Virginia with uniforms, majority of African Americans,how I walk to school instead of taking the school bus and the school had only about 200-300 students while my middle school in Virginia had about 1000. I learned this middle school from a good friend of mine when we use to go to same elementary school. He introduced me to his friends and the soccer team. I joined right away for my first year with them and was welcomed to the school and soccer team. For my first year with the team, I was one of the best that helped the team a lot and going to playoffs. Playing for my club team, middle school team and for my high school team throughout all these years are the best and worst moments of my life. These memories