Dad apparently owed them money and he never had that job as a security guard, he joined them and together they built up a cult. They loaned dad money to help to support us, but that was two years ago and then dad when crazy and traded mom and I. We them escaped and…….
“And what? What happened?” My eyes slowly opened and I was wondering what had happened.
Here I was stuck in a place that I had no idea where I was. The vehicle I was in finally had stopped. A hooded man whispered,¨go check on the kid.¨ The other man had an italian accent yelled back at him,“No, I am pretty sure the kid is dead. We hit him kind off hard.” “If the kid is dead the boss is going to shoot fire from his mouth and have …show more content…
Is everything that agent said true?”
All of a sudden that same agent that I saw in my head, hollered,” Hold your fire. Moe stand down.”
I screamed back,” No your not going to control me anymore.”
I was being held at gunpoint, but then everything started coming back to me. My old memories of my parent, my college years, and the CIA job that I achieved.
Throwing myself toward the wall, the stupid man shot the emergency backup computer that controlled the power and it was lights out. I grabbed a gun out of one of the men’s hand. I darted out off the room. A few years later, After so many made up of events have happened in my life. I needed to hide from the CIA, so I change my look and name. I can’t tell you my new name because I might get caught. There's no way of truly knowing if I am in true reality, but what if they just wanted to make me believe that I escaped, That Agent is still out there. I will never know where I came from. My past has been altered and My reality will never be real. Maybe I can truly never be safe. The reality I once lived in will never be what it once was. My sweet Memories have disappered in a flash. My reality is no