At approximately 1725 hrs., Dispatch received a call in reference to a drunk man entering the Helm St In and threating to fight them. I arrived at the Helm St In at approximately 1728 hrs. I observed Wagner wasn’t there. I spoke with the Owner Mick Overton. Overton advised …show more content…
Rinehart advised she was bartending and at approximately 1500 hrs., a drunk male came in the bar with no shirt on and had a beer in his hand. Rinehart advised the Helm St In cook Joyce Bennett asked the male if he had a shirt and he said he didn’t have one that it was too hot outside. Rinehart told the male that he needed a shirt and to please get rid of the bottle that he brought in. Rinehart advised the male went to the men’s room and attempted to make a shirt out of paper towels. Rinehart advised she told the male that wouldn’t work for a shirt and the male told her to “go fuck herself and have a good day”. Rinehart advised the male came back in with a black trash bag over him and her boss Mick told him to leave. Rinehart advised the male stated he had every right to be ghere and that this was all bullshit. Rinehart advised the male refused to leave and treated to fight the males inside of the