This dog, now named Spots is a lazy dog that loves to go outside and go on walks because he was in a kennel almost his whole life. He watches tv and snores, that's just about all he does. He was my dog until my mom started petting him and loving him. As soon as she did, he became her favorite child and put him over …show more content…
After that he hasn't barked at anything other than when the doorbell rings, but he doesn't do that anymore. It was about 1-2 years until we noticed him being sad which was unlike him. So my parents decided to get another dog without telling me or my sister. My dad went and got the dog right before picking me up at school. When I got into the car after school, I saw his sweatshirt start to move, which was weird because he was wearing that sweatshirt. All of a sudden I see my dad grow a second head but this head was a puppy head. The dog was in his shirt to stay warm i’m guessing, but it was really weird. We went to the store and he left me alone with this month old puppy that I didn't even know so I started petting her and she was really nice and gave a bunch of kisses. Later that night when we got home we decided a name for this new puppy and that name was