Personal Narrative: A Day Off With Walt Disney World

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As we paraded into Walt Disney World, the excitement in each of us was overflowing. Our coaches explained to us, if we all split up into smaller groups we would get to ride more rides. As we did this, the people that like the big roller coasters all collaborated to find their perfect group. The group I was in had five people in it, containing Jenna, Presley, Blair, Carson, and me. We all knew the exact ride we wanted to start our day off with... Space Mountain, the most exhilarating and thrilling ride in Walt Disney World. We have been talking to other people about this exhilarating ride. All of them saying how scary it was or how unusual it made everyone feel. With that being said, we also talked to other riders saying how fun it was …show more content…
The blue spaceship carts pulled up and stopped right in front of us, the iron doors opened automatically. One step, two steps, and I sat down. The leg strap was pushed down, tightly. Then the worker, with a big smile, waved to us, and we were off. As soon as we took off, we were in a tunnel with lights as bright as the sun. Before I could tell what was going to happen, it was like God had taken the sun out of the sky, black as night. It remained this way for the rest of the ride, just like Paul had described. I could not see my hand if I put it right in front of my face. Then still in total darkness, all of a sudden, we were jerked hard to the left and started uphill. Then, as fast as a race car, we went down the hill and up another. This time, after we climbed up the hill we turned right and flew into a loop. Meanwhile, we still could not see what was coming up next. After the fast loop, going as fast as a spaceship, we turned left, then right and then another upside down loop, the entire time everyone is yelling and laughing out of joy. By this time my stomach was doing loops by itself. Finally, we slowed down, and where on flat track. " Maybe it 's over, " I thought to myself. Little did I know we were only half way through the ride. Next thing I knew we were going down yet another hill, and threw two more loops. "Yes. Another

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