Students are unique individuals who need a stimulating atmosphere for asking questions, designing and execution experiments, and determining whether the results of the experiments really do answer that question. The most important characteristic that I believe are conducive to establish such an encouraging environment for learning are: (1) the teacher acting as a guide, (2) allowing the student 's natural curiosity to direct their own learning, and (3) promoting respect and ethical behavior. Metabolomics is emerging as a leading approach in systems biology research and is widely used in biomedical, toxicological and pharmaceutical studies. …show more content…
In addition, continuous development in sensitive analytical techniques and advanced biostatistics provides feasible metabolites identification and quantification in complex biological samples, for instance in blood, urine or in tissue extracts. Therefore, guidance the students to search for knowledge and find answers to their questions is a key aspect for learn this dynamic and complex "omics" technology. As a teacher, I provide the principles of instrumentation, methodologies, statistical analysis and bio-applications. The educational strategies that I use are: lecture, discussion groups, field and laboratory activities, reading assignments, research papers, handouts, experiments, films, and walk-in and office hours in order to meet the educational needs of the student. Particularly, from the first day of class, I identify the diverse backgrounds and interests of the students to adjust my class accordingly. My goal is that the student, no matters career path chosen, has the ability to be a logical and independent learning. As an Associate Professor at Penn State University, I am interested to help students develop a curriculum around their interests fosters intrinsic motivation and stimulates the passion to learn. I believe that a way to take learning in a direction relevant to student interest is to invite student dialogue about the lessons and units of study. Furthermore, due to the multiples applications of metabolomic in biological science, students would have the opportunity in my class to generate ideas (e.g. for their thesis) and set goals (e.g. for their dissertations/publications) that it would make activities by far much richer than I could have created or imagined myself. From my experience, when students have ownership in the curriculum, they are motivated to master the skills necessary to reach their goals. …show more content…
I would require to student to write short term papers interpreting data and discussing methodologies among other topics. This will give the student practices in both evaluating literature and writing about it which will empower them as a scientist.
Teaching provides an opportunity for continual professional and personal learning and growth. One of my goals as an educator is to instill a love of learning in my students, as I share my own passion for learning with them. I am inspired by those teachers and experiences that have motivated me to pursue research and I wish to share that with others. I believe my great passion for teaching, past teaching experience, academic background and communication skills will make me an excellent