I asked her about some activities that they were working on with Ryan as well as things that she would like him to be able to do. She told me that she would like …show more content…
I am pre-med, and want to go into some sort of inpatient care (surgery, anesthesia). The reason I chose Exercise Science over something more typically “pre-med” is that I really enjoy physical activity and the personal interaction that I am able to experience in this compared to Chemistry. I played soccer and tennis high school, and enjoy just about any type of activity. I was able to join Trinity College’s Rowing team with I spent a semester abroad at Oxford University, but I have been unable to continue sports in university because of the time commitment …show more content…
Theis, Korff, Kairon, and Mohagheghi in the Journal of Clinical Biomechanics showed that there is an actual increase in muscle and tendon length after a bout of stretching the muscle. They hypothesize that the transient increase after an acute session of stretching could be increased if the protocol was continued over a period of time (4). This increase in muscle length might be a great importance to a person with spastic cerebral palsy in lessening the amount of tension placed on joint structures and allowing them to have a greater range of motion. However, the clinical applications of this evidence are still unclear. Wiart, Darrah, and Kembhavi, in their review of the research on stretching in children with cerebral palsy, find that there is no clear consensus about how the muscle contracts and how stretching can benefit the muscles. They propose a model of clinical intervention with stretching that is much more activity based through the integration of activities that rely heavily on stretching (martial arts, riding, and dance) instead of more passive stretching (5). The main point here seems to be that activity and exercise provides people with cerebral palsy with tangible, scientifically backed ways to improve their independence and quality of