Since the past many decades Iran …show more content…
Before the feminist movement 's women were facing more restrictions in the society and the minimum age of marriage was 13 years old that clearly identifies the motive of the patriarchal society to restrict females of Iran to excel or achieve success. After the start of the feminist movement, the situation has changed for women to some extent. (Basiri). The marriage age has been modified from 13 years to 18 years and husbands were required to take consent from the first wife to marry again. There were many changes brought by the feminist movement, but the efforts of the women were politically used, and they were pushed towards certain professional fields like teaching and nursing.
Considering the parochialism in America, the research suggests that the developed and developing the world consider the USA as the land of freedom and liberty but the country’s leadership has narrow vision. Despite the worse conditions of women in Iran majority of the feminist activists in America are silent on the situation due to the animosity between the two countries. The political tussle between the countries has also created several obstacles for the civil society to take substantial steps in helping the women of Iran achieve fundamental human rights in their