I never really had a good experience with peer-review back in high-school. It was mostly used as a time to mess around with classmates and do other stuff besides working on our papers. Needless to say, I wasn’t really looking forward to it. Once we actually got around to peer-reviewing I found it surprisingly helpful. I was able to get a lot of useful information from my partners on how I should improve my paper before turning it. They helped correct my grammar, structure, and help me brainstorm of other things that I should include in my paper. After, I was able to help them with their paper in the same way they did with mine. This wouldn’t of been possible without them, and I am glad that they did such a great job of being on time with sending and reviewing each others …show more content…
We worked on this for a large bulk of the class from things like daybook entries on what the project should be about and larger assignments like the annotated bibliography and topic proposal . Unlike other research papers this was much more than just a research assignment. Unlike other research papers I have wrote that take about 3 weeks from start to finish, this one was different. I have been developing this paper basically from the 2nd week of class. Instead of just slapping together a paper to meet a rubrics expectation I was able to explore much deeper within the topic. Getting review on my paper also helped out a lot. Both my peers and you were able to give great advice on my EIP Draft. This helped me out a lot when I went to create the final draft. My e-Portfolio is something I have never done before and I am glad how it turned out. It helps show how I have grown as a writer. It shows the transition from the beginning of the class and how I have improved throughout. It also helps show the growth of my Extended Inquiry Project. How it went from some little idea in a daybook entry to something much more. I was never a fan of English/Writing classes, but this was something different. You really helped me explore my mind and let me enjoy writing. Thank you for