The suspect used his right hand to hit the victim in the mouth, which caused injury in violation of PC 243(d)-Battery.
The incident occurred on the north sidewalk of Holly Street west of Arroyo Parkway.
• Photos were taken of the victims by Officer Griffith #3136, which was later uploaded to VeriPic.
Victim Romero:
• Approximate one inch laceration across the right side of his upper lip.
• Several scratches and abrasions on his right hand.
Victim Olivas:
• Sustained a chip tooth.
On 10-15-16 at 0200 hours, Officer Torres #8500 and I were dispatched to Holly Street and Arroyo Parkway regarding a PC 243(d)-Battery investigation. The battery occurred on the north …show more content…
Holly Street, Pasadena. Romero was unconscious and breathing. Dispatch advised that Paramedics were notified of the incident.
Pasadena Fire Engine #31 and Pasadena Paramedics #736 (Paramedics Kaffey/ Moreno) arrived at the location to treat Romero for his injuries.
I met with Witness Brandon David Metesser, who was at the above location with Victim Romero. Metesser told me the following information in summary:
Metesser and Romero were standing on the north sidewalk of Holly Street directly south of the Memorial Park Gold Line Station. Metesser saw three male Hispanics running east on Holly Street in their direction. Metesser reportedly heard Suspect #1 yell that someone stole his drugs. Suspect #1 then ran to Romero where he punched him once in the face. Metesser saw that Romero lost consciousness and fell backwards onto the sidewalk.
Metesser then saw all three male Hispanics run east on Holly Street and down the stairs to the eastbound Gold Line Station platform.
Metesser described Suspect #1 as a male Hispanic, between 25-29 years of age, approximately 5’06”, 160lbs. with a shave head and wearing a white T-shirt. Metesser stated that he would be able to recognize Suspect #1 if seen