Williams and Coster have overlooked counter solutions how to stop this plundering, looting, and illegal sale of blood antiquities unless and until there is an accountability both domestic and international trust of continuous reliability by implementation of stringent and implementing tough laws of consequences to put an end to impunity. Offenders, both the sellers and the buyers should not be let off so leniently by the courts, but it should set an example for criminals by adopting tough laws both international and domestic laws to set an example for criminals. The impunity culture of blood antiquities is both messy and dirty proving its authenticity and legality require a knowledge of expertise. Caretakers instead of guarding turn greedy. Not all sellers are fake nor are buyers. It is a maze of merry go round. Unless all parties concerned take an honest and active part to make it a successful undertaking.
Williams and Coster blood antiquities forgeries, black-marketing, illegal sale of blood antiquities an address of cultural and ethnic impunity gives a useful eye-opening insight into the international smuggling of blood antiquities real and fake artifacts of art. William and Coster’s address of blood antiquities culture of impunity is not only useful for art history students but whomever it interests it draws. Religious fanatics, zealots, and thieves should be held accountable