The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive and mostly irreversible deteriorating condition of the function of the lung and disease of heterogeneous with comorbidities. According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2015) the COPD is going to be the third leading cause of death by 2030 and estimated approximately 80 million in worldwide. This is the general term used to explain the numeral conditions inclusive of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The knowledge of pathophysiology of COPD will help the nurses in nursing process to care of such patients.
In COPD the assessment of the patient is very important to obtain the accurate diagnosis; appropriate planning of treatment and management services, …show more content…
He had been hospitalized for several times due to COPD, with medication of Albuterol, guaifenesin, and lisinopril. Family history has strong evidence of COPD in his father and maternal grandfather who were died at the age of 68 and 62 respectively. No known allergy or surgical history was mentioned. Patient was immunized as per protocol for pneumonia and Flu in last year.
Review of Systems represented the overall general health state showed no weight loss, but fatigue and weakness were reported. Physical examination on skin, hair, eyes, ears, nose and sinuses, mouth and throat, neck, breast with all other systemic examination inclusive of psychosocial - cultural practices verified. Special attention paid to the smoking habits and environmental hazards. Patient denied for home violence (personal communication, February, 01, 2017)
Specific to the management plan for COPD, the American Lung Association has the format for ‘MY COPD MANAGEMENT PLAN’ to use by the physician or healthcare providers with patient to plan together. It is inclusive of: (COPD. Foundtation, n.d.).
General Lung Care: Status of Pneumococcal and Flu vaccine including the date received and the next vaccine due were explained. Smoking status with future plan for ‘Quit Smoking Plan’ information was given. Exercise plan for walking and diet plan with Goal for Weight …show more content…
X has strong family support, he is unable to quit smoking even after the teaching of smoking cessation. Non-compliance regarding drug protocol is the issue noted and reported to follow up regularly. According to American Lung Association, to assist the patient for cessation of smoking, “My Quit Smoking Plan” to assess for patient readiness to quit, and encourage assist or cessation plan with resources – provided. Maintain the infection control measures will keep away the COPD flare-ups or exacerbation. Patient education on compliance with treatment includes the elimination of knowledge deficit of treatment modalities and also adherence to the medication policies by taking right medicine at right time was