Pathologic heart murmurs are caused by structural abnormalities of the heart. These include defective heart valves, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart muscle), holes or abnormal openings in the walls of the heart (septal defects), aortic aneurysm, or other congenital heart disease. This causes blood flow into the heart to be really slow and does not allow the affected person to live a long healthy life. Treatment of heart murmurs
If a septal defect is causing the heart murmurs, corrective surgery may be required. If heart valve disease is causing the heart murmurs, treatment may include medications or surgery. Valve replacement or valve repair surgery are two treatment options for severely damaged or diseased valves. The pediatric cardiologist can recommend the appropriate type and timing of treatment, based on the child's age, …show more content…
Innocent heart murmurs and those that do not impair the function of the heart usually do not have symptoms. Murmurs caused by severe abnormalities of a heart valve or other congenital cardiovascular defect may cause feeding problems or failure to grow normally in infants, shortness of breath, dizziness , fainting, chest pain , palpitations or rapid heartbeats, fatigue with exertion or exercise, and lung congestion. People really need to pay attention to the symptoms their body has, you might get unlucky and get a heart murmur and suffer for the rest of your