• Looking Back and Looking Around: The Long History of Pastoral Nomads o About 11,500 years ago, the agricultural revolution sparked the popularization and practicality of agriculture o In areas were agriculture was difficult, pastoral societies emerged o Some examples are inner Eurasia and sub-Saharan Africa
• The World of Pastoral Societies o Pastoral societies could only support a smaller population o They were very dispersed and generally only encompassed related members o Some societies would claim ancestry to a certain male o Societies that claimed ancestry to the same male would bond together as a tribe o Women were treated better o Women worked in labor as well as caring for children o The caring of smaller animals also was a job for women o Remarriage …show more content…
o The armies were also very disciplined and loyal o Loyalty came from the fact that Chinggis Khan also fought with the nomads with the same hardships o Wealth that came from conquering benefitted all Mongols o Mongols also used conquered people in their armies o Conquered agricultural people supplied troops o They also acquired Chinese technology o Forced conquered to be laborers o Specialized people were sent out throughout the empire where those services were needed o Gained a growing sense of brutality after destroying many cities o Sometimes a whole region would be killed if they might rebel, which also striked fear into others who fought the Mongols o Mongols also encouraged trade by allowing free use of relay stations o Also allowed other races to hold official positions and supported other religions
• Encountering the Mongols: Comparing Three Cases o Mongol assimilation varied when dealing with different cultures
• China and the Mongols o China was the target for many conquests, but it was the most difficult o Northern China had long been ruled by nomads, but in southern China the Mongols were less violent o The unification of China told people that the Mongols were legitimate rulers