Parthenon Vs Pantheon Essay

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The grandiose course of human history has bared witness to many great wonders of the world. Whether it be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, or the ancient pyramids of Egypt and Mesoamerica, human ingenuity has truly shown its ability to stand the test of time through its many architectural accomplishments. This essay will discuss the architectural accomplishments of two particular monuments of human history – the Greek Parthenon, and the Roman Pantheon. The Parthenon and the Pantheon equally possess unique styles and designs that have influenced architecture since their constructions. This essay will elaborate on these unique architectural visions of the Parthenon and the Pantheon, drawing similarities and differences between the two wonders of Greek and Roman culture. The Greek Parthenon was completed in approximately 432 B.C. by Pericles (Reed College, 2015), a great Athenian politician, to construct the Greek Parthenon, giving birth to one of the greatest architectural works in history. The Parthenon was used primarily as a temple of worship for the gods and goddesses of Athens. The Parthenon is housed in a rectangular shape, with Dorian style …show more content…
According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, the architectural designs of the Parthenon considered the effects of straight columns on the human eye, stating, “To give the illusion of true straight lines, the columns lean ever so slightly inwards, a feature which also gives a lifting effect to the building making it appear lighter than its construction material would suggest (Cartwright, 2015).” Through the use of geometric principles known at that time, the Athenians were able to construct a Doric temple that was structurally sound, and illusive in its aesthetic beauty to the human

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