Parenthood: Short Story: Character Analysis Of The Braverman Family

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PARENTHOOD The Braverman family faces many obstacles in Parenthood and as a viewer, I was very intrigued by the dynamic of the family and show. This show is unique and deals with issues that different types of families can relate too. I will admit that during some of the episodes, I was overwhelmed by the problems and drama the family goes through. At one point, I thought they over exaggerated the situation but quickly realized that this is the reality. The truth isn’t pretty, and family shows a lack of reality, but not Parenthood, they embrace reality and what comes with it. Parenthood gives a glimpse of what real families goes through like divorce, affairs, mental illness, etc.
Zeek and Camille Braverman are the starts of this family. Zeek and Camille are married and have four children together. Zeek and Camille children’s are Adam, Sarah, Julia, and Crosby. Zeek and Camille seem to have many problems throughout season one. We discovered that Zeek made a bad financial investment without letting Camille know, which caused a dispute between the two. Later in the season, we learn that both Camille and Zeek had affairs.
Adam Braverman -the oldest of the Braverman siblings- is portrayed as the dependable man who has his life together. Many of the family come to him for advice due to the fact his easy to talk too and reasonable.
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Julia is married to Joel, who she has one kid with named Sydney. Julia is a lawyer and portrayed the successful Braverman career wise. Julia sticks to the rules, and it’s hard for her to let go and have fun which makes her different from her other siblings. Her husband, Joel is a stay at home dad and dedicates his time to his daughter Sydney. The gender roles are switched in this household unlike Adam and Kristina’s family follows the typical gender roles. Sydney is a daddy’s girl due to Joel commitment to devote his time to her which causes Julia to be jealous of their

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