Eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful, God is good are a few attributes that define one God. He is the father and creator of all things. As …show more content…
The restoration period is the most significant event to consider, it is a time where humanity’s true nature is saved by God (Merrick, 2016, ch.6). As humanity reconciles itself to God and establishes a relationship to connect back to him, it is important to note the restoration period as having a connection to God. (Lecture 5, 2016). Faith in God sustains the importance of establishing a link with God, if not for faith how does one establish that connection? In the Chapter 6 text readings “justification by faith, the process by persons become righteous on account of their faith in the work of Jesus Christ, which was done on their behalf” (Merrick, 2016). The Christian worldview helps to identify the life and wisdom of Jesus’s teachings through scripture readings and obeying his laws. Before Jesus’s death he gave a sermon on the mount which emphasizes his moral teachings and establishes a righteous way of living a fruitful life (Matthew 5-7). Humanity itself has many diverse methods on the importance of restoring oneself, it is in the interpretation of one that can truly identify to live in God’s favor. Whether the belief of Jesus is recognized it is feasible to live in a moral encompassing life that is fulfilling to one’s …show more content…
As god is the father, the son and the holy spirit it is natural to understand the beginning of creation, through the rise and fall of humanity, the intent of wisdom through the lamb of god (Jesus), a sacrifice for humanity’s sins and the redemption to a righteous path. All that is told and molded through the readings and teachings of God encompass the true nature of living a moral, empathetic and fruitful life. “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (Colossians