Outliers Gladwell Analysis

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Throughout life, the whole nation struggles with many decisions. One topic that comes up often is weather or not we can control our lives, or how much of our lives do we control? Outliers; The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell and Macbeth by William Shakespeare are two stories written around this important topic. Outliers is written to prove that we can control our own successful destinies. While Macbeth is also written showing us that we can control our destiny, but the overall story doesn’t give us enough evidence to prove that we can control our destinies. With strong evidence and logical reasoning, Gladwell constructs an enhanced persuasive argument to reinforce his claim that humans build their own successful destinies through practice …show more content…
Throughout the article, a study is explained on how successful the violinists are due to practicing, hard work, and time put into what they are trying to achieve. The violinists were divided into three groups. The first group was, “the students with the potential to become world-class soloists.” Next, the second group consisted of, those who were “merely good” and the third group contained, “students who were unlikely to ever play professionally and who intended to be music teachers in the public school system.” Indeed, these violinists were divided by how many hours of work were put into their carers. At first, “everyone practiced roughly the same amount, about two or three hours a week,” but as the students became much older the differences in the time spent practicing because diverse. In fact, “by the age of twenty, the elite performers had each totaled ten thousand hours of practice. By contrast, the merely good students had totaled eight thousand hours, and the future music teachers had totaled just over four thousand hours.” Basically reporting that the elite performers were totaling more hours in practicing than the “merely good students” and the “future music teachers.” Given these points, Gladwell is proving that ones who work hard at a goal are able to control the outcome of what happens such as the successfulness of their

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