had a dream to stop segregation in the late 1900’s but in reality we are living in the same time that he was living. The reason why is because the U.S is trying to keep others who aren’t American citizen out of the state which is basically segregation. The immigrants have been promised “citizenship” but they have waited too long. MLK said, “justice too long delayed is justice denied’. Has the citizens from other countries been denied a chance to become U.S citizens? Those who are in the U.S are bound to follow the laws no matter their citizenship or they can disobey a law that is unjust because it’s a moral responsibility of being in the U.S. Martin Luther King’s letter has brought so much information that is useful for this time now because “just and unjust” laws still exist in this time today. Now as Americans we should be aware of what laws are just for all and which are being unjust to a certain minority. Before ending my essay, I would like to end it with a quote that could bring hope to the world. “Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenches communities, and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty”. Martin Luther King fought for what he believed was right in his time and now it’s our time to fight for the rights of those who are in the U.S with or without citizenship. But, we have to obey the laws which is our moral responsibility to obey the just laws and not obey the unjust laws. It is time to become one and help our other nations so we don’t live in a world that still has segregation. As Americans we are unaware that segregation still exists, it is just not shown as much anymore. We have to put a stop to the injustice that is happening to those who are have a different skin color, religion, etc. If they’re not causing harm
had a dream to stop segregation in the late 1900’s but in reality we are living in the same time that he was living. The reason why is because the U.S is trying to keep others who aren’t American citizen out of the state which is basically segregation. The immigrants have been promised “citizenship” but they have waited too long. MLK said, “justice too long delayed is justice denied’. Has the citizens from other countries been denied a chance to become U.S citizens? Those who are in the U.S are bound to follow the laws no matter their citizenship or they can disobey a law that is unjust because it’s a moral responsibility of being in the U.S. Martin Luther King’s letter has brought so much information that is useful for this time now because “just and unjust” laws still exist in this time today. Now as Americans we should be aware of what laws are just for all and which are being unjust to a certain minority. Before ending my essay, I would like to end it with a quote that could bring hope to the world. “Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenches communities, and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty”. Martin Luther King fought for what he believed was right in his time and now it’s our time to fight for the rights of those who are in the U.S with or without citizenship. But, we have to obey the laws which is our moral responsibility to obey the just laws and not obey the unjust laws. It is time to become one and help our other nations so we don’t live in a world that still has segregation. As Americans we are unaware that segregation still exists, it is just not shown as much anymore. We have to put a stop to the injustice that is happening to those who are have a different skin color, religion, etc. If they’re not causing harm