In fact, the concerted cultivation method gives cultural capital necessary to success in school. This idea is underlined when she analyzes Garrett Tallinger’s organization of daily life. Garrett, a white middle-class child, follows a tight schedule, enhancing his negotiation skills with adults, whereas the skills earned by Tyrec Taylor, a black working class kid, are not necessarily valued in school settings. This existing correlation between social classes, build a different set of skills as well as knowledge, resulting in class inequality. Back in my home country, France, especially in Paris, the school we attend depends on the district in which we live. Hence, if we live in a very wealthy district in which the “best schools” are located, we are more able to succeed and pursue our studies in the most prestigious universities. While the schools in the poorest districts and suburbs of Paris benefit from numerous government supports, schools in the more affluent districts benefit from the schools’ …show more content…
I am not nevertheless saying the motivation is what would allow them to succeed because there are several other external factors that need to be taken into account to make it happen such as home environment and parents participation in their children academic life. Indeed, what could happen is that working class and poor families “children (are) aware of their families’ often precarious financial position and of the constraints that lack of money imposes” (Lareau, 76), discouraging them to move forward in life. I remember walking in the streets of Paris with a good working class student friend of mine who used to be demoralized and afraid of repeating her parents’ past. They were both not working; the dad had back-pain and therefore was able to stay at home. I told her to believe in herself and look towards the future; opportunities happen randomly when we least