University of Nevada Las Vegas
HMD 402
Prof. Cotham
Medical Marijuana in the Hospitality Workplace
“The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA Act was passed to assure safe and healthful working conditions for workers. The OSHA Act implements and enforces standards to reduce and prevent occupational safety and work hazards at places of employment. This law requires employers to provide their employees with safe working conditions that are free from known dangers”
The use of marijuana (medical or recreational) can affect the workplace and potentially lead to productivity loss and an increase of workplace accidents. As an employer, you have the responsibility to comply with the OSHA to “maintain conditions …show more content…
It is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States ”, with an estimate of 22 million monthly users. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) lists cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug (same category as heroin, LSD), making it illegal under federal law.
Studies suggest a plethora of short-term adverse effects of marijuana that include: “problems with memory and learning; distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch); difficulty in thinking and problem solving; loss of coordination and motor skills; increased heart rate, anxiety, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth. ” “Reaction time may be impaired while driving. Panic attacks, paranoia and psychosis may occur acutely and be more common in psychiatric patients. ”
However, modern research also suggests positive effects of cannabis in a “wide range of clinical applications. These include pain relief -- particularly of neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) -- nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders. Marijuana is also a powerful appetite stimulant, specifically for patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia. Emerging research suggests that marijuana 's medicinal properties may protect the body against some types of malignant tumors and are neuroprotective. …show more content…
For example, hospitality employers can create a zero-substance abuse policy for the whole property (or a position) that prohibits employees from using or being under the influence of drugs because it presents a hazard. Every property must assess the risks and conduct their own policies when it comes to hiring new employees and maintain a safe work environment.
It is important for employers to be able to identify medical marijuana patients to prevent any potential hazards in the workplace. The ADA prohibits employers to ask about disabilities or conduct medical testing. However, they can conduct drug testing as part of their pre-employment requirements . The society of human resources management reports that 84% of private employers conduct pre-employment drug testing .
Reasonable accommodation should be provided by the employer if the employee meets the necessary job requirements and can perform all the essential functions while being under the