Description of each theory for the age of a four year old girl
Phallic Stage-
Development of gender identity. Sexual feelings toward father. Sense of sexual curiosity.
Id- urges, pleasure, gratification- hunger, aggression.
Ego- balance what is wanted and what is possible to obtain. (Wilkinson & Treas, 2016)
Uses symbols and language. Sees herself as center of the universe. Thought is based on perception not logic.
(Wilkinson & Treas, 2016)
Initiative Vs. Guilt-
Develop a sense of initiative through activity and imagination. Guilt sets in when they are not able to accomplish a common goal, or task. (Edelman, 2014) Behaviors observed -Aggressive on the playground when the boys and girls play together (crashing scooters, chasing each other around like zombies) -Can get violent and crash cars together, but it is triggered by the boy’s behavior. Nothing out of the ordinary. -Knows that even if she is hungry, she has to wait till snack or lunch time to eat. -Large vocabulary compared to her classmates.