She gathered the students on a “phonics mat” and she sat down with them. She got on their level when teaching them, and I think they benefited from this because they felt a better connection to Mrs. Sheets. I plan to do this a lot with my class to bring a comfortable setting where the students are interested in learning but keep an understanding that I am the leader. The students were so excited for their “phonics time” and I soon found out why. The teacher held up poster boards with the letters of the alphabet, (Aa) on them and they began singing a song. The song was equipped with them saying the letter followed by the sounds they can make. “Aaaa ate your apple” Mrs. Sheets picks a student on each vowel to repeat the two sounds they can make and come up with different examples for each. The song was very catchy and each student knew all the words and sounds. They were very
She gathered the students on a “phonics mat” and she sat down with them. She got on their level when teaching them, and I think they benefited from this because they felt a better connection to Mrs. Sheets. I plan to do this a lot with my class to bring a comfortable setting where the students are interested in learning but keep an understanding that I am the leader. The students were so excited for their “phonics time” and I soon found out why. The teacher held up poster boards with the letters of the alphabet, (Aa) on them and they began singing a song. The song was equipped with them saying the letter followed by the sounds they can make. “Aaaa ate your apple” Mrs. Sheets picks a student on each vowel to repeat the two sounds they can make and come up with different examples for each. The song was very catchy and each student knew all the words and sounds. They were very