According to the center for disease control "diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in 2015"(CDC,2015) In regards to " 79,535 death certificates "(CDC,2015) are attributed to diabetes being the underlying cause of death. Currently "30.3 million or 9.4% of the U.S. population have diabetes."(CDC,2017) While "23.1 million"(CDC,2017) people have been diagnosed, "7.2 million"(CDC,2017) go undiagnosed today. A number of factors go into developing diabetes. For example: "Smoking, physical inactivity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood glucose." (CDC,2017) Iin 2012 there was an "estimated cost of $245 million dollars for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes."(CDC,2012) People diagnosed with diabetes had "medical expenditures of about $13,700 per year. About $7,900 of this amount was attributed to diabetes."(CDC,2017) "In 2016 25 states have an obesity rate of 30 percent, and four states exceeded 35 percent." "Extreme obesity is a problem for one in 20 adults while17 percent now affects children and teenagers." In a study done in 2011 "30.4 percent of American teenagers were found to be obese." "According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders(ANAD) over one half of teenage girls and one third teenage boys use unhealthy weight control." "Also about …show more content…
In personal belief it is because people just do not want to pay the extra money to eat healthier food. When a person goes to a fast food restaurant, one of the first statements said is: “ Hi, thank you for choosing McDonald's go a head and order whenever your ready" (Fast food employee,2017) At a restaurant you will hear hello I am going to be your waitress tonight, what can I get you?”(waitress,2017) People choose what goes in the body; what is eaten and how much is being consumed is not up to the fast food industry. Therefore, no one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces someone to eat a greasy cheeseburger for $1 over a $5 salad. Fast food establishments offer a wide variety of healthy to unhealthy foods to accommodate everyone. People cannot argue that going to a fast food restaurant was not their choice and that choosing the food was against their will. People make the choices and do not have a right to blame anyone else for how it turns out. By now, everyone should know the consequences of eating unhealthy food. Argue any excuses relative to this, but it will not change the fact you chose fast food. However, the point has been made time and time again about the huge price margin between healthy food and unhealthy food at fast food restaurants. It is true that there is a huge price difference, but try thinking of it this way: the more