Scope of Leadership In the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) report The Future of Nursing (2010), the focus is on nursing leadership. Nurses must take a role in leadership to advance changes in healthcare policy, to keep up with changing technology, and promote …show more content…
These professionals may be therapist, nurses, physicians, social workers, dietitians or other professionals involved in healthcare. They must be willing to work with others and able to resolve conflict among themselves, as well as work autonomously in their field of expertise. To be effective, the role of each member must be clearly defined (Frank, 2007). The nurse brings a unique perspective to interprofessional teams. Nurses spend more time with patients then most other healthcare professionals. They have knowledge of a patients culture, attitudes, beliefs, and values that may affect interventions, goals, and outcomes. The action of nurse leaders can have a direct influence on improvement in outcomes and, therefore, can affect quality and finance (Smith,