Using personal devices and mobile health tools are becoming major research areas of nursing (Herman, 2014). Informatics in nursing assists by making the contributions in medical records visible, and providing tools that help support decisions (Daniel, & Oyetunde, 2013). Another way informatics will change the health care system is through using digitized paper charts that decrease the time it takes to document (Daniel, & Oyetunde, 2013). Informatics eliminates redundancy, and ambiguity that the process of documentation causes (Daniel, & Oyetunde, 2013). Nursing informatics also optimizes communication and the way information is managed between the health care providers (Daniel, & Oyetunde, 2013). Nurses are able to monitor their patients from a distance (Herman, 2014). For example, a nurse can watch a patient from down the hall in a hospital by using cameras or they might help their patients who are across the country by using webcam devices (Herman, 2014). Informatics helps a nurse decrease time spent doing daily activities and increase time spent with his or her …show more content…
Two ways that a critical care nurse anesthetist (CRNA) uses informatics is through anesthesia information management systems (AIMS) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) (Peterson, White, Westra, & Monsen, 2014). AIMS pulls information on a patient from the anesthesia workstation and sends it into databases and documentation systems (Peterson, White, Westra, & Monsen, 2014). Then a nurse or any other health care provider can see them. AIMS is used in administrative functions, billing, coding, and bedside notifications (Peterson, White, Westra, & Monsen, 2014). The CMS helps provide financial incentives for information technology to identify the clinical process effectiveness, demonstrate healthcare resources efficiency, promote patient safety, and engage families and patients (Peterson, White, Westra, & Monsen, 2014). Other ways are through data integrity by relying on support practice (visual, accurate, and timely displays of information), standardization by underlying how knowledge is exchanged, represented, and displayed, and clinical decision support by enabling clinical guidelines, current literature, and the synthesis of an abundant amount of data (Peterson, White, Westra, & Monsen, 2014).
In conclusion, there is a great influence that informatics has in nursing, health care, and in the life of a nurse anesthetist.